Boosting product performance: Define outcomes your product team can act on

Caya Kempe

Product teams are gaining more autonomy. Businesses understand they have to invest in the product itself, in order to create customer value and achieve business goals. Product teams are often at the heart of the organisation and you're on the losing end if you think this is not the case.

In this white-paper we offer an in-depth view on how product managers can define clear product outcomes that are in line with the business strategy, and help you gain focus on the customer behaviour that will have the biggest impact on your business goals.

Learn how to:

  • Foster collaboration to achieve holistic product development.
  • Define product outcomes aligned with business goals.
  • Identify impactful inputs that drive business success.
  • Plot product outcomes on the user journey map.
  • Analyse and compare potential outcomes for maximum impact.
Caya Kempe
Lead Strategy & Research

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