Continuous Discovery

At a time when organizations with the best software dominate their sector, improving your products has become a continuous process. Many organizations have therefore already set up a continuous delivery process: new extensions are delivered on a regular basis. But what can often be improved is the product discovery process. This means you know at any time which new extensions make the difference for your end users. Discovery often still happens ad hoc, where a continuous approach - just like for delivery - is more appropriate.
The aim of continuous product discovery is that you know what the needs of your end users are at all times. Those needs change quickly. Through learning effects, through ever-advancing technology and through innovative products from the competition.
This makes it important for your product teams not only to deliver continuously, but also to continuously discover what your end users are most looking forward to. Because ultimately the behavior of your end user makes the difference in your business results.
In our view, continuous discovery should be a fixed, integrated and joint working method of your product teams.
The best products are created when product discovery goes hand in hand with product delivery - in a controlled and continuous process. How? That is customization. It also depends on how you are organized now and how your product teams work now.
Ultimately, it's about learning a fixed set of habits that are the same for all your product teams.
Hike One can help your teams, chapter, or organization to set up or implement a controlled continuous discovery process.
Our white paper may be a first step. But we also provide coaching, master classes and presentations with which we are happy to help you. Moreover, we can also temporarily strengthen your team with UX design and UX research experts.
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