Customer journey management

Mapping the journey your customers go through when using your services should not be an incidental strategy. Then you miss opportunities. Where are you now? And what stages of maturity are there when it comes to client journey management? Hike One helps you to the next phase.
designers kijken naar een scherm

More channels, more complexity

Contact with your end users runs through more and more channels. This means that keeping an overview - and therefore also gaining new insights - is becoming increasingly complex.

User journeys connect the touchpoints between your end users and your organization across all channels. They quickly and visually provide insight into the bottlenecks and wishes of your end users. And at the same time, they identify the points where better results are possible, such as a higher ROI or improved efficiency.

But not every organization is getting the most out of this powerful instrument. Moreover, there are major differences in the degree of maturity that organizations find themselves in.

The ideal situation

User journeys are the central starting point for all teams working on product innovation for your organization. Furthermore, in an ideal world, all user journeys are created and presented in the same way, and are stored in a way that makes them easily accessible to the entire organization. A friendly management tool is often used for this.

But in practice, few organizations have reached this point.

Typical bottlenecks

  • User journeys are often still made based on assumptions and intuition - 'We know our customers, right?' and not on the basis of user research.
  • Often only parts of the customer or user journey are mapped.
  • Moreover, this happens occasionally. There is no permanent team organized around the user journey yet, which ensures continuous updates.
  • Rarely are user journeys managed in a joint tool, so that they form the shared starting point for controlled, continuous product innovation by all your teams.

How mature?

We notice that many organisations immediately strive for the perfect picture. But it's better to learn to walk first before you start running. That is why it is good to know how mature your organization is now in the field of user journey management.

We can help you with a short audit. We distinguish different phases of maturity. Below you will find a compact version so that you can form an initial idea.


an orange check mark
an orange check mark
an orange check mark
an orange check mark

If you need a quote or a custom approach, leave your details and we’ll get in touch.
* This amount is indicative and based on our default approach with a full team.

Get started today

First determine where you stand

What is the current status of your organization, your department, your chapter or team when it comes to user journey management?

What can we do for you?

Hike One can coach your organization to a higher phase of design maturity, also in the field of user journey mapping and user journey management.

Moreover, we can also temporarily strengthen your team with UX design and UX research experts.

Feel free to call or email us (see contact details below).

Request a presentation

Are more people in your organization interested in journey management? We are happy to give a knowledge presentation - 'Client Journey Management in a structured way'. Leave your details and we will contact you to schedule it.

From absent to incidental
From incidental to structural
From structural to integral
User research is incidental and ad hoc.
Fragmented and outdated user journey maps.

Insights are not findable or accessible for every team.

No set of fixed methods.
Initiating fixed working methods.


The user journey becomes the starting point for the workflow.

Central storage of insights. Rights and access are managed.

Continuous user research, testing and implementation of improvements.
The same, interchangeable methods for collecting user data throughout the organization.

It is clear who can (and must) make the decisions.

Every product team - in all relevant chapters and departments - has the same way of working.
What we do
We start with a short audit.

We help you realize your first successes.

We give you the tools to work based on user data. We collect input from your target group.

Depending on where you are, Hike One can take responsibility while we take care of the implementation together.
We help with creating structure, defining roles and selecting the right tools.

We help to coach your (new) experts in-house.

We ensure that you can deliver consistently high quality with less effort.

Together we continuously map and manage the user journey, with responsibility increasingly shifting to your own team members.
We help you get the entire organization working based on user journeys.

We spread the gospel across all silos and we help coach the coaches.

If necessary, we help develop the business case and present it at C-level.

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Prefer to speak to someone?

Feel free to contact me!

David van Duinen, Commercial Director

06 46 24 31 49

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