A best practice digital platform to serve 23 funds

A complex product to serve a wide range of users. Scaling our clients' business by making pension funds accessible to over 3 million users.

TKP Pensioen asked us to help them create a best practice digital platform which the 23 pension funds could adopt to offer people one central place for all their communication and pension planning. The nearly 4 million users differ from each other a lot: from age and gender to career and industry. An audience that greatly differs in digital skills, comprehension and involvement. So the question arose, how can we create a platform that serves a complex product to a wide range of users?

TKP Pensioen is one of the largest pension administration organizations in the Netherlands. They serve 23 funds with over 3,7 million users. For pension funds, communicating digitally with their users is a great opportunity and a big challenge at the same time.

As easy as 1-2-3

Planning your pension is a big topic at TKP Pensioen. So together with TKP Pensioen, we created a new pension planner, a flow which was validated and designed through thorough user testing. Additionally, we reduced the time spent on each pension request. Instead of using a calculator in combination with a paper form, users can now play out different future scenarios, see the results displayed in the interface and apply for their pension in one session.

We don’t distract you

Planning your pension requires thinking about your future and other big life questions. We reduced the cognitive overload the users can have, by cutting the complex material into easy questions, such as: At what age would you like to receive your pension? The results of their decisions are shown in an overview.

We enjoyed working with Hike One as a team: due to their creativity, smart people and open communication, we created beautiful things.
Mathilde Havinga, Business Owner Digitale Dienstverlening Deelnemers, TKP Pensioen

Zero obstacles

One of the challenges TKP Pensioen presented us with was the DigiD login process. This part proved to be very tedious for many users. To increase engagement we decided to delay the login wall; users are guided towards relevant information without the need to use their DigiD credentials. Only when users wish to proceed with their personal pension planning, are they seamlessly presented with an option to login.

You’re always welcome

People are not very likely to read the envelopes from a pension fund. In order to inform people properly, pension funds first have to collect email addresses. So we changed the way a pension fund welcomes a new participant by offering them a joyful page with a friendly request for an e-mail address. The conversion is impressive: 80% of the people that start the onboarding flow submit their email address.

A design system to serve all funds

Naturally, the platform was designed according to a design system. Components and a set of variables like color, font or layout, were made to be re-used and therefore significantly reducing the design and development time. This way TKP Pensioen can serve multiple funds to easily create a website reflecting their identity.

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