Meet the Hiker: Marco Geerarts


These are the stories of people who make Hike One - a vibrant, youthful culture with creative problem solvers. Challenge seekers, who are proud to be nerds in the design field. Unique individuals with a strong sense of community.

We are designers, yet we see ourselves as so much more. We come from all walks of life. We are engineers, explorers, entrepreneurs, teachers, researchers, illustrators, musicians, thrill-seekers and above all else friends. Find out more about the culture and vacancies at Hike One.

Meet Marco: Interaction Designer & Team Builder

Marco started as an Interaction Designer at Hike One 4 years ago. Since then he has worked on multiple projects in roles ranging from an interaction designer, to project lead and facilitator. Internally his most prominent role is leading the Eindhoven office as a team builder. He works on maintaining a healthy team and supporting his colleagues on their growth paths. He is often in interviews looking for new talented Hikers.

Next to that, he is also a bit of a nerd: he gets a lot of energy from complicated technical challenges and loves tinkering with tools and gadgets.

"To me a real Hiker is hungry for innovation and curious to the bone."

How does the atmosphere within Hike One feel to you?

I mostly enjoy the warm and positive atmosphere here at Hike One. It feels that besides being colleagues we are also just a big group of friends. We like a challenge and are problem solvers by heart. Those problem solving skills are especially expressed in our trade as designers but also in the way we collaborate with each other. Over the course of the last four years we made some changes to the way we run the company and it has been exciting to take part in that journey. I've never been afraid that with our creative mindset we wouldn't be able to handle any challenge that might come. Our motto is: “Is it safe enough to try? If yes, let’s go for it.”

What is a real Hiker to you?

To me a real Hiker is hungry for innovation, enjoys a challenge, is respectful to his/her colleagues and curious to the bone. At Hike One we're team players. I strongly believe that collaboratively we're better than the sum of our individuals. So for me a real Hiker likes to work together, shares knowledge, is open to feedback and works proactively. It’s simply not in our DNA to wait till someone else comes along.

In all honesty, aside from all those professional characteristics, to me a Hiker is just a nice person to hang out with, joins in on our occasional activities, likes to have a fruitful discussion and enjoys being around like-minded creatives.

And what else?

Naturally, our field of work comes with its own challenges. It might be convincing a client of a certain design direction, managing the client's internal politics or having to dig deep to get clarity on the actual problem. At Hike One we like these challenges, we look for solutions, consult colleagues, get trained and guide those around us in becoming great designers.

Overall, it’s good to be ambitious and we encourage that at Hike One! At the same time we also want our colleagues to be healthy. There is no need to work long hours, we are in here for the long run. So biting off more than you can chew is making neither of us happy. Luckily we have roles like the team builder, who can help you manage your personal growth while maintaining a healthy workload.

What do you think Hike One has meant in terms of your personal development?

What I really like about Hike One is that if you are able to inspire confidence, come up with a good plan and show that you are super passionate, then Hike One will also give you their full support. Thanks to that trust, I've been able to make pretty big steps over the last four years and I’m grateful for that.

Hike One also encourages us to keep growing as professionals either by hosting training sessions, providing a personal development budget and regular coaching sessions. In my first year I made more steps towards becoming a professional designer than I did in the five years prior.

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