Meet the Hiker: Roderick Trompert


These are the stories of people who make Hike One - a vibrant, youthful culture with creative problem solvers. Challenge seekers, who are proud to be nerds in the design field. Unique individuals with a strong sense of community.

We are designers, yet we see ourselves as so much more. We come from all walks of life. We are engineers, explorers, entrepreneurs, teachers, researchers, illustrators, musicians, thrill-seekers and above all else friends. Find out more about the culture and vacancies at Hike One.

Meet Roderick: People & Culture lead

Roderick Trompert joined Hike One 10 years ago as one of the first Interaction Designers in the company. His journey includes experience in roles as Design Lead, Design Sprint facilitator and Team Builder.

Lately, he is most active as People & Culture lead, stimulating company culture, driving recruitment and supporting colleagues on their growth paths. His big smile matches his energy and enthusiasm. Read on to see the world of Hike One through his eyes.

How would you describe the atmosphere within Hike One?

Very sociable and informal. For me, the office also feels a bit like a second home. You are surrounded by people you can have a good time with, have interesting discussions with and who all have similar interests. They look at the same things from a different angle.  Visiting the office is always rewarding because of this.

"It is quite unique that there are so many digital design professionals at Hike One, who are all continuously engaged in this field. They gain experience in different environments, bring it back and share what they have learned with each other."

What makes Hike One different from the rest?

At Hike One, we have about 70 employees, of which the majority identifies as a designer. That is quite unique in the Netherlands: having such a big team of digital design professionals. They gain experience in all these different environments, bring it back and share what they’ve learned with each other.

What would you say when you get home after a working day at Hike?

My days at Hike One are very enjoyable. For a large part because of the people I work with. I love it when I come into the office in the morning and I’m greeted by familiar happy faces. I also love that these are all people who are very good at what they do; who enjoy tackling difficult issues and finding the best solutions. It always gives me energy to think along and challenge other designers - and of course to see what creative solutions they come up with!

What do you think a real Hiker looks like?

I think it is important that they are curious. Our field is developing rapidly, there is a new tool or technology every few weeks. So the most important thing is that someone has the interest and skills to repeatedly dive into something new. Someone who enjoys experimenting through trial and error. I think it is also important that you should be a bit modest. That you are at least open to constructive criticism, feedback and know what you need to do in order to learn or grow.

How important is development within Hike?

We find it very important to share knowledge with each other. That is the advantage of an agency. That you grow quickly because you learn from each other. There is a lot of room for that. We see it as an important part of the organisation. In that respect, Hike One is a very good stepping stone to a successful career in digital design. In a typical year, you get to experience many different projects, learn a lot and grow very quickly. Having space for development and growth, that is certainly a very important topic at Hike One.

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