Our stance on mental health

We believe that all people should benefit from the best of technology. And technology makes the world better only when we make it work for people.

That’s why our mission is to help organisations translate the complexity of technology into accessible products that people love.

The work we do for our clients is in line with our vision and mission, and contributes to a better world for everyone. We don’t want to harm people and planet. And, if it’s in any way possible, we want to actually have a positive effect. Ideally, our clients have the same motivation. If they don’t, we nudge them to make the right decisions anyway, by making (ethical) assumptions and choices explicit.

Our ideal client

  • does not (willingly) harm the mental health of its users, employees or others; e.g. is not focused on getting people addicted (social media, games, gambling), is not letting underpaid staff filter through submissions.

In our work

  • we design to prevent people from getting addicted.
  • we protect users (not just children) from harmful content or abuse from others; e.g. implementing options to block and report other users.
  • we encourage clients to not measure and aim for (more) time spent with a product.
  • we leverage new technologies that help people maintain and improve their mental health.

At Hike One

  • we put our (mental) health over our work and foster a culture of openness and open communication about mental health.
  • we offer mental health support and counselling to our people.
  • we remind people to take breaks, go home on time, etc.