Product operations workshop

In three hours, we introduce you to the product model principles, we figure out which ones need most attention, and we define clear next actions.
designers kijken naar een scherm

From the old way to the right way

Do your teams have everything they need to thrive? Are they happy with the way things work in your organisation? Are you? Perhaps things work the way they do because it’s always been that way — not because it’s the best way of working. And perhaps it’s time to reflect and adapt.

Strengthen your teams

We believe the best products are homemade. You know what makes your customers happy, and you know all the ins and outs of your product. Don’t let us make product decisions for you — just let us strengthen your in-house teams. We can help you streamline your processes, so you can get back to delivering a successful product to market.

Product principles

Our product operations workshop enables you to step back and take a helicopter view. Together, we review the current state of your operations based on 20 product model principles. We discuss what works well and what you could do differently, and we make sure we define clear next actions for the prioritised principles. After the workshop, you can immediately start incorporating change in your product operations. One of our product consultants will check in with you after a few weeks to advise on whatever you’re struggling with, or on how to take the next step.


an orange check mark
Team alignment
Everyone gets a say in what and how to improve
an orange check mark
A holistic view of your product operations
an orange check mark
Start incorporating change right away
an orange check mark
Stepping stone
A first step toward strong ongoing product operations


  • Introduction to the product model principles.
  • Review the current process per principle to find out what works well and what you could do differently.
  • Vote for the biggest pain points and opportunities to prioritise principles.
  • Define clear next actions for each of your prioritised principles.

Expert review: 
Heuristic evaluation

From €0.000*
If you need a quote or a custom approach, leave your details and we’ll get in touch.
* This amount is indicative and based on our default approach with a full team.

Get started today

​​If you want to level up your ProductOps and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your product teams, start small. You don’t have to force a new way of working on your teams. Just ask them to report about progress in the same way, and be consistent in your own approach. Keep spotting opportunities for improvement, implement small new habits, and encourage good teams to continuously learn from great teams.

Would you like a quote?

Leave your details and we'll schedule a (remote) consultation to discuss scope and approach, so that we can send you a custom quote.

From absent to incidental
From incidental to structural
From structural to integral
User research is incidental and ad hoc.
Fragmented and outdated user journey maps.

Insights are not findable or accessible for every team.

No set of fixed methods.
Initiating fixed working methods.


The user journey becomes the starting point for the workflow.

Central storage of insights. Rights and access are managed.

Continuous user research, testing and implementation of improvements.
The same, interchangeable methods for collecting user data throughout the organization.

It is clear who can (and must) make the decisions.

Every product team - in all relevant chapters and departments - has the same way of working.
What we do
We start with a short audit.

We help you realize your first successes.

We give you the tools to work based on user data. We collect input from your target group.

Depending on where you are, Hike One can take responsibility while we take care of the implementation together.
We help with creating structure, defining roles and selecting the right tools.

We help to coach your (new) experts in-house.

We ensure that you can deliver consistently high quality with less effort.

Together we continuously map and manage the user journey, with responsibility increasingly shifting to your own team members.
We help you get the entire organization working based on user journeys.

We spread the gospel across all silos and we help coach the coaches.

If necessary, we help develop the business case and present it at C-level.
The value of Hike One lies in how they teach a man to fish. They don't catch the fish for you, they don't give you a textbook about fishing; they invite you to go fishing together.
Jürgen Suls, Head of Product at Yuki

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Prefer to speak to someone?

Feel free to contact me!

David van Duinen, Commercial Director

06 46 24 31 49

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