Usability test

If you want to build an effective product that makes your users happy, you have to know how your product is used. And for that, there is really only one good way: observing real behaviour. Where do people get stuck? Why? What doesn't work as intended? Why not?
You can use usability testing for existing products as well as for products that are still in development.
With existing products or features, you usually already know where results are less than expected. You know what users are doing, based on quantitative user data such as usage statistics. A usability test is qualitative, and can provide insight into why and how users are (not) doing things. We can use your real product in a controlled setting with specific research questions, tasks, and interview questions for this.
For products or features that are still in development, there is no quantitative data because it isn’t live yet. The good news is that at this early stage, adjustments are still relatively cheap, and you can easily prevent rolling out a sub-par product. Since going live with something based on incorrect assumptions can have major consequences, this is where usability testing is crucial. In this phase, you’ll need a prototype of the product to validate your assumptions with. This prototype can be low-fidelity.
Pro tip! In a qualitative study like a usability test, the rule of thumb is to observe 5 to 10 users. This is enough to spot patterns in behaviour, so that you can identify the biggest pain points and opportunities. If you don’t find any patterns with this amount of users, the scope of your test is too big.
Read more about usability testing in our UX Playbook. We have been testing products and services for more than 15 years, so do reach out if you need help with scoping, prototyping, interviewing or observing your test.
We have an arsenal of methods to perform usability testing for you. Together, we can decide what suits the situation. Leave your details and we'll schedule a (remote) consultation to discuss scope and approach, so that we can send you a custom quote.
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