Digital products are often designed for able-bodied people. They ignore people who deviate from the norm. This way, peoples’ impairments become disabilities: it’s when our product doesn’t work for them.
Accessibility means making sure people can access and use your product or service, regardless of impairments. Hike One advocates accessibility and user-friendliness for all people – and we’re happy to help you get there.
Bottlenecks our clients often encounter in making their product accessible:
A digital product is never finished, and neither is accessibility. It is an ongoing process, due to changes in society, technology, legislation, and in the market. We can help you with all of the above through our accessibility audit. One-off, or continuously.
Our audit incorporates the following:
Before getting started with accessibility, we recommend getting up to speed about what accessibility means and why it’s important, and about guidelines and legislation.
Don’t worry if you’re experiencing some hurdles along the way – you’re not the only one. Just being aware of these hurdles already sets you up to be more successful in making your product accessible.
We’re happily sharing the design-specific tips and resources our own designers use. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you need anything else.
The right approach depends on where you are now and where you want to go. It is best to leave your details here. We will then schedule a telephone consultation so that we can better estimate what you should consider.
We are all blind to our own flaws. That's why we asked Hike One – as an experienced external party – to challenge us.
Hike One supports organizations in designing and improving their digital products. We mainly work for corporates, SMEs, and government agencies. In 2023, Hike One was named the best UX design agency in the Netherlands by Emerce 100 based on customer feedback. Hike One's clients include ASML, Heineken, Liberty Global, Municipality of Amsterdam, Marktplaats, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Philips, Rabobank, Rituals, and Signify.
Hike One assists product teams and design departments in working according to the latest best practices. We provide coaching and support, as well as temporary hiring of design experts. Feel free to contact us if you don't immediately find what you're looking for.