Business model canvas workshop

You want to launch a new product, either for an existing organisation or an entirely new one. What is the value your product is supposed to provide? And for whom? How do you communicate your proposition to them? In the process of bringing your product to the market, how do you allocate resources, and how do you provide clarity, focus, and alignment in your team? How do you identify weaknesses and risks?
Leverage the building blocks
The Business model canvas is a single-page representation of all of the important aspects of a business model, in standard building blocks. Mapping the building blocks of your business model helps understand how they’re related and influence each other.
Whereas the Business model canvas can be used for both startups and existing organisations, the Lean canvas is specifically geared towards new business ideas. The building blocks are modified slightly to suit the needs of a Lean startup: customer segments, problem, solution, channels, unfair advantage, unique value proposition, cost structure, revenue streams, and key metrics.
The right approach depends on where you are now and where you want to go. Leave your details, and we'll schedule a (remote) consultation to figure out what you need.
The value of Hike One lies in how they teach a man to fish. They don't catch the fish for you, they don't give you a textbook about fishing; they invite you to go fishing together.